drawing bright lines in the sand

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Oh... the GIME

I have an odd habit of really enjoying things without ever acknowleding that I enjoy them. Recently I unpacked that concept and realized that I just love the gym.

Working out provides me with satisfaction on so many levels. Physically, I get fitter. You might say, "Well, duh, Brian, that's why you work out," and you'd be right. But it's not just the exercise. I get into a MINDSET about this stuff. I eat healthier, get up earlier... I even move around more in general. I just feel alive after I get to the gym.

Then there's the emotional benefit. I get such a pick-me-up from going to the gym. Maybe it's because it's like a giant playground in my head. The machines are jumbo toys, and I go earn points which I can turn in to lose weight! There are new high scores to be set, new equipment to try, new fun to be had.

I think better after I hit the gym too. There's always the tough questions I have to ask myself when I go there, like: "Did I stretch yet? How should I order my workout? Aerobics, Weights, Sit-ups? Sit-ups, Aerobics, Weights? Gymnastics? Spinning? Do I do back and biceps, or chest and triceps today? I forgot... did I stretch yet?" After resolving them, I feel more focused, directed, and driven to do well in life. Yes, gym-going provides me with lots of food for thought.

Finally, there's the bragging rights and ego-boost. I curled 75 pounds today. I know, and now you know it too! You see this muscular thing?

Yeah, that's my deltuvius. Most people don't know how to properly lift with it, but I do.

I guess I'm pretty frickin' serious about something I discovered I liked yesterday.



  • Always say yes to Spinning. There is one question answered.

    By Blogger Cate, at 9:47 PM  

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