drawing bright lines in the sand

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

In The Zone

Some of my friends are getting into "The Zone."

"The Zone" is the period of time right before the semester starts where you make all sorts of really big plans and vow yourself blue in the face about how this semester will be different:

... no more scrambling at the last minute to finish the paper worth 50% of your grade.

... no more leaving your 600 pages of reading until the day before it is due.

... no more avoiding exercise and/or a healthy diet.

"This year will be the beginning of the rest of my life," you say while you blithely cruise through "The Zone." "This year," you say, "I will be the me I've always wanted to be."

And then you smile.

Well, I encourage you to wear that smug grin of satisfaction while you can, you "Zoners." Because I know that you sincerely believe that you will be a newer, better you this semester. No more late nights, no more red eyes, no more stomach aches as you pound your head on the library table and repeat, "Oh God, WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! NEVER AGAIN!"

The memory of the excrutiating time you called "finals" last semester are close to your heart. When you vow, you really mean these vows. It is with a genuine heart that you plan to keep yourself above water.

You really, honestly, truly, completely plan to zip right through your Mead Day-Planner'ed semester like A BMW roadster on the Autobahn.

And, for the duration of "The Zone," you will zip. Zippity zip zip along, you zippers!


Until you hit the four-foot tall speed bumps.

Like your books for the semester weighing an excess of forty pounds, and you realize that each page weighs less than an ounce. And then you get out your calculator, and realize that you have somewhere near 20000 pages to read before you hit finals.

Or until you lose your Mead Day-Planner.

Or until your friend comes in while you're working, and the following dialog ensues.

[Friend]: Hey Dude, you need to come outside with us!
[Student]: I can't. Right now, I have to read.
[Friend]: Read? We're jumping off the roof of the house into a kiddie pool filled with custard!
[Student]: ...
[Friend]: So are you coming or wh-
[Student]: I'M THINKING!!!!!!

So ride "The Zone High" [as I like to call it] while you still can. Because at least you can feel good about your snazzy student self.

That is, until you actually have to be that snazzy student.

And realize you would rather jump into custard.

And realize, in Novemer, that all you have left of that "snazzy student self" at the end of the custard jumping is your self and 1600 pages to read before you start writing your over-weighted research paper.

Hey, before you complain and commence in the semi-annual library table head-bashing, just remember:

You're not bad, you were just in the way of "The Zone."



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